How ONPASSIVE Works To Build Wealth For You (With AI)

How ONPASSIVE Works To Build Wealth For You (With AI)


A Total Internet Solution (Tools, Traffic & Passive Income)

ONPASSIVE is an  complete Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven automated ecosystem. It is a Total Internet Solution.

It provides you with every possible tool you’d need to work or operate online efficiently. All of this is accessible in one place, through one convenient login.

Also, it is viable way to build wealth online through it’s unique automated structure. More on this below.


Always keep in mind – ONPASSIVE is BIG. While you are learning about it dob’t forget this. It will help you get your head around the big picture of what has been created here. It is really..



Ash Mufareh is the CEO and visionary creator of ONPASSIVE. He is an innovative entrepreneur with a very big heart. His vision is to lift up humanity through the latest technological advancements in the field of AI.

The Hyderabad Team

Ash assembled a nearly 1000 strong team of the most talented technicians in Hyderabad, India. Together, over the last 4 years, they built this entire ecosystem specifically to achieve this lofty goal.

Ash Mufareh & The Tech Team


Mr Ash Mufareh runs this global business  from the headquarters office in this building in Orlando, Florida, USA.

Ash Mufareh’s background

Ash holds a Master’s Degree in Information Technology and e-commerce from American InterContinental and Harvard University. He now has over two decades of experience in the hardcore marketing arena. From this, he has a complete understanding of the current online market trends.

Family Man, Family Values

Ash is also a family man, with a wife and two young sons. He very much is a family oriented man. He sees the founder members all as an extended type of family. It sounds cliche, but ONPASSIVE has built a culture where everyone helps each other.

ONPASSIVE Hyderabad Staff

‘The best of the best’. This is how CEO Ash Mufareh describes the people they are looking to add into the ONPASSIVE workforce.

Hyderabad Office

The Hyderabad office in Hi-Tech city has the most highly skilled staff. ONPASSIVE continually strives to upgrade it’s workforce. We are so fortunate to have these wonderful people building a beautiful future for all ONPASSIVIANS!

ONPASSIVE Products and Services

All of this massive VALUE in one place, has never been seen before!

Everything You Could Possibly Need In One Place!

Every possible tool or service to run your business or operate efficiently online. Create, edit, capture, communicate, socialize, crowdfund, do accounts, manage staff, shorten links, marketing, mail, VPN, domains, transfer funds! Everything!

Some Of The ONPASSIVE Tool Portfolios

Some Of The ONPASSIVE Tool Porfolios

So far, ONPASSIVE has 50+ Tools or Product Portfolios as the techies like to call them. Most of them are complete or very near to it.

They will be rolled out progressively into the ecosystem very shortly. Remember, ONPASSIVE will continually be developing new products to add to it’s ecosystem.

A lot more information on these will be made available soon.


“No company will EVER give you so much VALUE as ONPASSIVE!”


The Tools And Products Of ONPASSIVE Will Cause It To Go Viral!

Having so much VALUE, all in one place, was a big part of Mr Mufareh’s plan. This will create a huge amount of interest right from the start. All of these tools and services, in one convenient place. One simple login. All with more features and easier to use than anything else similar.

Plus some of them are free to use forever. So you can come in and check out the whole ecosystem for yourself with no obligations.

You are sure to see some things you like because of the value offered. Many ‘free members’ will buy something and commissions will be made.

Customer Or Reseller?

Everyone coming into ONPASSIVE is a customer. When you are a customer, you can click a button to become a reseller. You will pay for a product or product package and this will activate your reseller position. Then the company (the AI automation) will go to work for you.

Activating Your First Product Or Package

You will choose and pay for your initial product or package and thats it. For the proceeding months, the AI will handle everthing for you. It will make sales and pay your subscription(s) out of the commissions made on your behalf.

AI driven tools and services

How To Get Started In ONPASSIVE

 How It Works To get Started In  ONPASSIVE

How it works to get started in ONPASSIVE is you’ll need an O-Mail account first. No matter what product you are interested in, free or paid, you’ll still need your own O-Mail address. You’ll use your O-Mail address to access the system, your ONPASSIVE backoffice.

O-Mail Is Free To Join

O-Mail is free for you to signup and come in, look around and see the ONPASSIVE Ecosystem. There is no obligation on you, however you will most likely see the massive value on offer.

This is what the company likes. They place you in front of so much VALUE, and let you choose to buy what you like. Make no mistake, there is so much in there that you will like!


The ONPASSIVE Free Products

There are other ONPASSIVE free products too, like O-Net (a social platform) and O-Trim (for link shortening). These are great products and you should check them out too. But for now, for simplicity, signing up with O-Mail makes the most sense. This is the best way for how to get started in ONPASSIVE and will save you time.

Join O-Mail From The Button Below

You can signup to O-Mail using the button below (quick an easy). You will be able to access the free products instantly.


O-Mail is the best free email solution

Join Now

Become An ONPASSIVE Reseller

Becoming An ONPASSIVE Reseller Is Easy

Coming into the ONPASSIVE ecosystem as a free member allows you time to have a good look at all the available products.

When you see a single product or product package you like, you can then purchase it. You will then be able to click a button to become a reseller. Then the fun stuff begins!

Artificial Intelligence Goes To Work For You

At this stage, things get very interesting.You are able to receive commissions from sales of that product or package on your behalf. This is the point where the AI goes to work for you.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Builds A Sales Website Branded To You!

The artificial intelligence goes to work on your behalf. It dips into the great toolbox of ONPASSIVE and uses some of the tools. Digital Products such as a website builder, domain name and web hosting. It builds a complete sales funnel coded to YOU!


A New Daily Website Branded To You!

A new daily complete sales funnel (webpage) featuring an ONPASSIVE product, is built on your behalf. All of this is automated and done-for-you by ONPASSIVE’s proprietary AI.

Targeted Traffic

The ONPASSIVE AI then proceeds to send qualified, targeted traffic to your sales funnel. This ‘traffic’ is visitors who are likely to be interested in the products being shown to them.

All ONPASSIVE products are built to be ‘Over Market Value’.

Over Market Value Products

ONPASSIVE (OP) has many high quality, Over Market Value* (OMV), both free and paid. Even customers coming into the OP ecosystem for free will consider buying something at some stage because of the extreme VALUE on offer. This idea of massive ‘value’ is all by design.

* An Over Market Value product is one that has more features, is easier to use, and costs less. Overall better value in every aspect!

Earning Online With ONPASSIVE
Earning Online With ONPASSIVE

A Self Funding System

It is a self funding system managed by the ONPASSIVE AI. You pay the first subscription payment for that particular product or package. The following (or proceeding) months payments are paid by the AI. It sets aside some of the commissions first from the sales it makes on your behalf.

Activate More Products For Potential Commissions

As your commissions accumulate, you can then decide to purchase another product or package. This can increase your potential sales further. You need to ‘own’ that product to benefit from it, so to speak.

Paying For A Service Provided By Artificial Intelligence (AI)

So in essence, you are paying for a service for the ONPASSIVE artificial intelligence to go to work on your behalf.

You pay for a product or package from the ONPASSIVE ecosystem. The AI uses the ONPASSIVE tools, builds a funnel, and markets those same tools. It sends qualified traffic, people who want those particular tools or servicess. It closes the sales or follows up with customers as necessary. Either way, some sales will be made on your behalf all by AI automation.

Just as if you wanted your grass cut but you don’t like doing it. So you pay for someone to come and do it for you.


Check Out How ONPASSIVE Works – Join For Free

So signing up to O-Mail is the easiest way to come inside and see everything for yourself. Every possible tool or service for you or your business or operate efficiently online. Everything in one place. New products and service will continue to roll out. This is your gateway. We look forward to seeing you inside.


ONPASSIVE O-Connect: The Future of Video Conferencing

Experience the future of video conferencing software with ONPASSIVE O-Connect. AI-powered features give the best audio and video clarity ever.

ONPASSIVE Ecosystem Introduction (The Ultimate Digital Solutions Platform)

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O-Trim Short Product Review (Best URL Link Shortener)

O-Trim Short Product Review (Best URL Link Shortener). O-Trim has unmatched features. Shorten long URL’s, make them memorable and increase your brand awareness.

O-Net Short Product Review (Revolutionary Social Network)

O-Net Short Product Review (Revolutionary Social Network). A disruptive social network with unique and innovative features. Connect in a more meaningful way.

ONPASSIVE Digital Solutions (Short Reviews)

ONPASSIVE Digital Solutions give you the most value EVER, all in one place. These are all Over Market Value meaning better in every way!

O-Mail Short Product Review (AI Powered Email Platform)

O-Mail Short Product Review (AI Powered Email Platform). This top webmail solution provides the best unlimited experience for its users. Plus it’s free!

O-Wallet Short Product Review (Digital Wallet Application)

O-Wallet Short Product Review (Digital Wallet Application). A highly secure digital wallet solution. Built for hassle free payments anywhere, anytime.

O-Connect Short Product Review (Best Video Conference Tool)

O-Connect Short Product Review (Best Video Conference Tool). Connect worldwide with unmatched clarity & quality while enjoying the most advanced features.

O-Bless Short Product Review (Best Crowdfunding Platform)

O-Bless Short Product Review (Best Crowdfunding Platform). O-Bless connects people needing financial assistance with those willing to give a helping hand.

O-Create Short Product Review (Easiest Website Builder)

O-Create Short Product Review (Easiest Website Builder). Build and develop high quality websites exactly the way you want with the help of AI.

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How ONPASSIVE Works To Build Wealth For You (With AI)

NOTE: The information presented here is in no way intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Instead it is designed to give you an idea of what is possible. Success with ONPASSIVE can depend on the level of work, commitment, leadership, perserverance and many other variables. Even as ONPASSIVE endeavours to automate most aspects of your online business, there are many other factors that can ultimately determine your level of success.