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Best Site To Sell Digital Products For You Is ONPASSIVE

Best Site To Sell Digital Products
The best site to sell digital products for you is ONPASSIVE. Get the top e-commerce opportunities with AI working for you as a reseller .
February 5, 2024

ONPASSIVE AI Can Sell Digital Products For You


Maybe you are looking to build an online business as a side hustle or secondary business. Afterall, it makes good sense to utilize the convenience of the internet to stay ahead financially. Digital products and services are where many have found differing levels of success. It is a field where there can be many advantages and rewards. However, there can be many pitfalls you need to avoid too.

We will show you here why it’s essential to choose ONPASSIVE (OP) if you’re looking for success with digital product sales. This future IT giant has too many advantages to ignore, as you will see. You’ll learn how you can build both Time and Financial freedom through AI automation. It does the heavy lifting for its users.  All of this while using the best quality, most value range of digital services and products. Read on.


OP is an IT company specializing in AI-enhanced, unique digital products and business solutions. They have developed a wide range of fully automated digital tools for businesses and entrepreneurs. These are all integrated into the OES (ONPASSIVE Ecosystem). This is the central platform that houses everything in one convenient place for the users.

This massive project has been under construction since 2018 and was recently launched commercially. It is the brainchild of Mr. Ash Mufareh, the CEO, who is based in the company’s headquarters in Florida, USA.

ONPASSIVE Ecosystem (OES) Digital Marketing Platform

Single Sign-In One Stop Shop

The Ecosystem (OES) is a one-stop-shop built for convenience. Users have access to all of their digital tools with a single sign-in. No mucking around with multiple usernames or passwords. You register your free O-Mail account. This is the gateway to get your login credentials to the OES (O-Mail address and password).

Three Free Products Of ONPASSIVE

Initially you get access to the three free products of ONPASSIVE. O-Mail(email platform), O-Net(social platform) and O-Trim(A URL shortener with tracking analytics). As soon as you log in, you’ll see the icons on the left hand side to access them.

These three tools are yours to use forever, with no obligation or strings attached. Giving users so much value straight away was a genius move by Mr Mufareh. It’s a very good way to promote your products and connect with potential customers (paid). It’s an excellent option because it offers users the chance to have a good look around. They can take their time to see how things work with no pressure.

Active Subscriptions To Digital Marketing Tools And Products Online

At some stage they will see the subscriptions section. This is like a digital marketplace with the products currently available to subscribe to. You can click on what you are interested in to learn more. You’re able to activate a subscription by paying for any products or services you would like to use.

How Does ONPASSIVE Work To Sell Digital Products?

Artificial Intelligence Does The Heavy Lifting


When you have an active subscription to your first digital product, that’s when the magic happens. The AI will begin the process to start selling digital tools on your behalf.

It uses OP tools like a domain name, and website builder to build a marketing funnel encoded to you. It uses the targeted traffic tool to drive traffic to your website. Then it follows up with potential customers through email marketing, answering any questions they may have.

Don’t forget the product’s features and value are a big drawcard by design. Eventually some people will decide to buy. You earn a commission on the sales made by the system. The AI takes care of the details and the commissions will be available in your O-Wallet. So it’s not completely passive income, but its pretty close.

You Don’t Personally Have To Sell Anything

You don’t have to personally start promoting or share with others to make money online with OP. It is entirely optional.

However, I’m willing to bet you will want to eventually share it with others you care about. It’s just that good. It’s like when you see a great movie or hear a cool piece of music. It’s only natural to want to share it so others can enjoy it too. Sharing is different from selling or marketing. One of the great things about OP is it being free to register and check it out. So you can join, learn, get it working for you and then share with others if/when you are confident in doing so.

Keep in mind the system will always keep working for you as long as you have an active subscription. It doesn’t matter if you share or not.

AI Automated e-commerce Business

OP has made it extremely easy for many people, including those wanting to make money from home. Or it could be Digital Nomads looking for a more stable source of income. Many people find daily financial challenges are increasing and are looking for a way to build secondary income.

This company has been creating digital products to sell and the Ecosystem to house them for over five years. They have built a user-friendly platform, easy for anyone to join, learn and find their way around. They’ve given you everything you need to create and manage your own automated business to start making money.



Streamlined Way To Sell your Digital Products

Selling anything online including digital products often can lead to headaches. It can be problems with the product platforms or pay processors, dodgy or unethical practices, poor support or many more.

OP had eliminated all of these pain points to help you create and focus on a business you can be proud of. They streamlined the whole process from start to finish to make sure the customer experience was first rate.

All you do is come in and click a button to become an affiliate. Once you pay for a product package, the system goes to work for you. You don’t even have to use the product!

Become an ONPASSIVE Affiliate (Reseller)

When you come into the Ecosystem, there’s a message at the top of the page. It says ‘Become an affiliate‘. You click it, read the details and click the button. It’s that simple to become an ONPASSIVE reseller.

If you haven’t registered an account to the Ecosystem yet you can do it here.

Note: If someone else introduced you to OP, you should get one of their affiliate links from them to join up to.

How to get started in ONPASSIVE

The Pro’s and Con’s Of E-commerce Businesses

Lower Running Costs

Starting a new e-com business has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. One of their biggest advantages is that they can operate with lower overhead expenses compared to brick-and-mortar stores. This means that entrepreneurs can start their businesses with less capital and can operate with fewer employees. 

Efficiently Increase Brand Awareness

Additionally, they often can be run 24/7, without many problems. This means you can reach out to a global customer base who can purchase products at any time. You are able to reach a wider audience through the rise of social media platforms, popular blogs and digital advertising. You can more effectively approach potential customers with targeted online marketing relevant to your audience. 

However, there are also some disadvantages. For example, customers do not have the opportunity to experience the product in person before making a purchase. This can be a disadvantage for certain types of products and can leave customers feeling a little uneasy. 

Better Security Needed For These Business Models

Additionally, e-com businesses must take precautions to stay ahead of hackers and malware. You can be sure if you are in this line of business, you’ll certainly attract attention, good and bad! It can take a little time and finance to get a good secure system in place, fit for purpose. OP takes security very seriously and is even training AI to help them secure their systems even further. As a user of the Ecosytem, your main focus for security will be on how you keep your login info and passwords secure on your devices. You can access the Ecosystem through an app, but personally I use and would recommend a laptop. Especially for the more security minded.  


High Demand Digital Products That Sell Themselves

Sell Digital Products That Over Deliver On Value

OP has always had a goal of delivering more VALUE to customers than any other company. Why? Because they want the customers to feel like they will never want to leave once they have joined.  They want the customers to love what they have access to. So when they build  services or make digital products, it’s always measured by this. “Does it add value to the customer?” Mr Mufareh has said many times OP will always over deliver on value. “Our products will have more innovative features, better quality, unlimited and will cost less. They will sell themselves”.

O-Connect Online Video Meeting Excellence

We can take O-Connect as one example of how OP will deliver great value to its’ customers. Compare it directly with the top five other products in the video conferencing field. This flagship product from OP sets a very high bar.

It is packed full of innovative features and delivers outstanding and unmatched video and audio quality. You get unlimited storage capacity. You could host a 10,000 person webinar for literally a fraction of the cost of competitors in this field. There are just too many benefits to list here, but the bottom line is VALUE!

O-Connect is a great example of what new users can come to expect in the OES Ecosystem ‘as normal’.

You can learn more on O-Connect Here.

The Tools Of ONPASSIVE (50 Proprietary Products And Services)

Comprehensive Platform To Sell Digital Products

OP has started delivering a robust suite of around 50 digital solutions into the Ecosystem. These tools form a powerhouse that can elevate your online presence and productivity. Everything you could possibly think of to operate online efficiently will be here in the coming next few months. Create, Edit, Communicate, Host, Manage, Track.. everything!

Management Tools, Heat Maps, Web Analytics Unveiled

 This comprehensive solution of state-of-the-art automation tools is the most value you will ever see in one place. OP has any aspect of running an online business using digital tools covered.

At first glance, you may not quite understand how big this really all is. Big as in how many services and products also BIG as in ‘a big deal’. Study the pictures for a moment to help you understand what I mean by big.

When you dig a little deeper into what all these products are, their features, innovation, affordability, the AI managed systems etc, you will likely have an ‘aha moment’. You will realize what all of this could do for YOU. All of this conveniently in one place, plus a way to make money!

Comprehensive Digital Solutions Platform

Single Sign-In One Stop Shop

Advertising: Will drive in businesses and attract massive customers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): the main driver of ONPASSIVE’s automation

Calendar Scheduler: An integrated event scheduler tool.

Chat: A powerful quick communication platform.

Contact Management System: For both bulk email and advertising needs.

Crowd Funding Platform: Create personal crowd-funding projects.

Daily Funnels: New fresh daily funnels boost traffic to your site(s).

Digital Marketing: Digital advertising platform using AI for best results.

Domain Names: Name your own personalized site.

Email Marketing Campaigns: Simplified branded marketing.

Flexible Wallet System: Digital wallets to manage all crypto, fiat, bank cards.

Give Back Fund: A voluntary fund for making charitable donations.

O-Founders Site: Foundation community of OP pioneers.

Guaranteed Targeted Traffic: Website visitors targeted by interest or niche.

IP Tracker Tool: Provides a hostname, location, and specified IP address Info.

Live Events: Webinars or Video hosting, hosted in real-time.

Market Place: A central place to purchase IT digital assets.

Mass Bulk Mailer: Send email to large groups ethically.

Mass Marketing Campaigns: Bulk campaigns to target an entire market.

Merchants & Cards: Bank accounts plus cards that can accept payments.

Millionaires Club: Exclusive club for OP millionaire members.

Multi-Businesses: Host multiple businesses under a single umbrella.

Office Abroad 1000: Global Leaders based on achieving certain criteria.

Video Conferencing Service: OP’s proprietary webinar platform.

Payment Transfers: Transfer OP funding internally and externally.

Print Shop Tools: This is for creating marketing materials.

Private Inbox: A personalized in-box that is branded to the customer.

Best Site To Sell Digital Products

Residual Income for Life: Commissions On Sales made for active accounts.

Screen Captures: The ability to capture instant screen images.

SEO Done For You: Search Engine Optimization for your websites.

SMS And MMS: Plain text as well as text-with-media texting ability.

Support for All: Tech support available for all buyers and re-sellers.

TrimURL: OP’s proprietary link shortening tool.

Triple Entry Bonus: A super bonus built into the compensation plan for all.

Video Chat: Simple face-to-face internet conversation via webcams.

Video Conference: Unlimited participants in different areas can mass communicate.

Video Mail: Nifty email message with a video clip attached.

Video Marketer: A marketing tool that integrates video into targeted campaigns.

Viral Sharing Tool: Marketing to mass spread person-to-person via social media.

VPN tool: Extend your privacy across a public network for security.

Website Builder Suite: Tools that allow easy drag & drop website building.

Why Is ONPASSIVE The Best Site For Selling Digital Products?

There are multiple advantages as to why you need to build your business with ONPASSIVE. Here’s a recap of the main points.

  • You get to use the best digital products and can earn good money at the same time!
  • You don’t have to learn or know about affiliate marketing – it’s a done-for-you solution here.
  • OP are the best digital product creators offering the most value – most innovative features, affordability.
  • You don’t have to create or sell digital products, just purchase a package to get the system working for you.
  • Your business can run 24/7 on autopilot, even while you sleep.


AI-Powered Tools and ApplicationsDescription
OES (ONPASSIVE Ecosystem)A platform that provides instant access to various AI-powered solutions, including OMAIL, ONET, and OTRIM, which simplify workflow and boost productivity.
AI-powered advertisingTools offered by ONPASSIVE to drive business and attract customers.
AI SystemFuels competitive advantage by adding an intelligence layer to existing frameworks and enabling deep insights for predictive decision-making.
NLP (Natural Language Processing) softwareOffers organizations better service responses, less downtime, efficient employee management, streamlined workflow, and a simplified manufacturing process.
OCONNECT Worldwide connectivityEnd-to-end platform democratizing AI, enabling every employee and customer with modern AI technology and easy-to-use apps.
Customizable AI-powered solutionsProvides customizable AI solutions that empower business leaders across various industries.
AI-driven business solutionsOffers end-to-end AI-driven business solutions for businesses of all sizes.

NOTE: The information presented here is in no way intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Instead it is designed to give you an idea of what is possible. Success with Onpassive requires hard work, commitment, leadership and perserverance. Earning in any online endeavour can vary depending on each individual’s effort and also many other factors.

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