[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”Totally Automated Passive Income” animated_gradient_direction=”119deg” animated_gradient_speed=”7″ gradient_one_color=”#f80448″ gradient_two_color=”#FF5000″ gradient_three_color=”#8300E9″ gradient_four_color=”#f80448″ _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Coda|800||on|||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”60px” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width_tablet=”70%” width_phone=”98%” width_last_edited=”on|desktop” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||15px||false|false” custom_margin_tablet=”||15px||false|false” custom_margin_phone=”0px||||false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”15px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” custom_padding_tablet=”15px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” custom_padding_phone=”10px||5px||false|true” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|desktop” header_font_size_tablet=”42px” header_font_size_phone=”36px” header_font_size_last_edited=”on|tablet” border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]

Founders Already

[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”Watch The Short presentation” animated_gradient_direction=”119deg” animated_gradient_speed=”7″ gradient_one_color=”#f80448″ gradient_two_color=”#FF5000″ gradient_three_color=”#8300E9″ gradient_four_color=”#f80448″ _builder_version=”4.16″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Coda|800||on|||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”60px” header_line_height=”1.5em” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width_tablet=”60%” width_phone=”98%” width_last_edited=”on|desktop” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding=”5px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” header_font_size_tablet=”42px” header_font_size_phone=”36px” header_font_size_last_edited=”on|tablet” border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]

Totally Automated Passive Income

This short 2 minute presentation gives you an introduction to ONPASSIVE and how it works for you.

ONPASSIVE (OP) has made many digital products over the last three and a half years. More then 50 cutting edge, feature rich and easy to use products all in one place. Many more are in development too and OP will never stop developing new ones.

All of their products are in high demand, billion dollar niches. So many customers already pay other companies big bucks every month because they must have these tools to operate online. ONPASSIVE will be a big hit because their products are superior as well as being a lot cheaper.

Everything Is Automated And Done-For-You

ONPASSIVE is a one stop shop for those who want a 100% fully automated online business working for them 24/7.

Superior products, much cheaper, conveniently all in one place and you get to build wealth as well! What’s not to like?


Earn Online With ONPASSIVE
[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”HOW DOES ONPASSIVE WORK (FOR ME)?” animated_gradient_direction=”119deg” animated_gradient_speed=”7″ gradient_one_color=”#f80448″ gradient_two_color=”#FF5000″ gradient_three_color=”#8300E9″ gradient_four_color=”#f80448″ _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Coda|800||on|||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”50px” header_line_height=”1.5em” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width_tablet=”99%” width_phone=”100%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||16px||false|false” custom_padding=”5px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” header_font_size_tablet=”28px” header_font_size_phone=”22px” header_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]
[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”Watch The 20 Minute Overview” animated_gradient_direction=”119deg” animated_gradient_speed=”7″ gradient_one_color=”#f80448″ gradient_two_color=”#FF5000″ gradient_three_color=”#8300E9″ gradient_four_color=”#f80448″ _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Coda|800||on|||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”60px” header_line_height=”1.5em” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width_tablet=”60%” width_phone=”98%” width_last_edited=”on|desktop” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||0px||false|false” custom_padding=”5px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” header_font_size_tablet=”42px” header_font_size_phone=”36px” header_font_size_last_edited=”on|tablet” border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]

This 20 minute life changing presentation is from leadership council member Mike Ellis. He shares the vision of Mr Ash Mufareh, CEO of ONPASSIVE. We will have more then enough to ‘fill our buckets as he has said before. Then we will be able to help those around us do the same. The video shows multiple ways of how ONPASSIVE can specifically help you. You’ll understand how this remarkable system can go to work for you and build your online business.

Please take the time to watch this from start to finish. It is powerful when you understand a little of how ONPASSIVE has been built to last and to offer ANYONE an equal opportunity at success online. If you watch all of this I can guarantee you will be as excited as the 1.3 Million founders who have already seen the vision of Mr Ash Mufareh.

Real company, real products, real people. A very real TOTAL INTERNET SOLUTION for all, no matter what experience level online.

[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”WHAT CAN ONPASSIVE DO FOR ME?” animated_gradient_direction=”119deg” animated_gradient_speed=”7″ gradient_one_color=”#f80448″ gradient_two_color=”#FF5000″ gradient_three_color=”#8300E9″ gradient_four_color=”#f80448″ _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Coda|800||on|||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”50px” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width_tablet=”95%” width_phone=”98%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”20px||20px||true|false” custom_margin_tablet=”20px||20px||true|false” custom_margin_phone=”40px||10px||false|false” custom_margin_last_edited=”on|phone” custom_padding=”15px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” custom_padding_tablet=”15px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” custom_padding_phone=”10px||5px||false|true” custom_padding_last_edited=”on|phone” header_font_size_tablet=”28px” header_font_size_phone=”24px” header_font_size_last_edited=”on|tablet” border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]
[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”These Are Just Some Of The ONPASSIVE Tool Portfolios” animated_gradient_direction=”119deg” animated_gradient_speed=”7″ heading_html_tag=”p” gradient_one_color=”#f80448″ gradient_two_color=”#FF5000″ gradient_three_color=”#8300E9″ gradient_four_color=”#f80448″ _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Coda|800||on|||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”34px” header_line_height=”1.5em” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width_tablet=”95%” width_phone=”98%” width_last_edited=”on|phone” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||16px||false|false” custom_padding=”5px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” header_font_size_tablet=”32px” header_font_size_phone=”24px” header_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]

ONPASSIVE has 50+ Tools or Product Portfolios as they like to call them. Most of them are complete or very near to it. Currently 20 are listed on their website.

No Other Company Gives You More VALUE Than ONPASSIVE


Visualize a complete A.I. managed marketing ecosystem with EVERY POSSIBLE MARKETING TOOL you could ever need. All in one place. Then add in a unique and amazing compensation plan. Plus this system continuously does all the work for YOU on autopilot. Now you are getting the BIG picture. ONPASSIVE has huge potential to build a successful online business for you!

The Main Benefits


Complete AI managed marketing ecosystem with every possible tool you could need all in one place.


Auto team building, through guaranteed visitors and signups – all done for you!


Can be used to promote any other business with done for you web traffic solution.


A unique and extremely powerful pay structure that ensures every O-Founder will find success.


A genius self funding system ensures you ONLY pay the 1st months subscription to activate your account.


Can be a complete, hands free home based business and passive income (referring is optional).


A global opportunity, available in over 200 countries!

[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”How ONPASSIVE Automation Works For You” animated_gradient_direction=”119deg” animated_gradient_speed=”7″ heading_html_tag=”p” gradient_one_color=”#f80448″ gradient_two_color=”#FF5000″ gradient_three_color=”#8300E9″ gradient_four_color=”#f80448″ _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Coda|800||on|||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”34px” header_line_height=”1.5em” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width_tablet=”60%” width_phone=”98%” width_last_edited=”on|desktop” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||16px||false|false” custom_padding=”5px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” header_font_size_tablet=”42px” header_font_size_phone=”36px” header_font_size_last_edited=”on|tablet” border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]

A.I. Managed Automation Works Continuously Building Your Business For You!

  • The A.I. Uses Some Of The Tools To Build You A Daily Marketing Funnel.
  • Your Funnels Showcase ONPASSIVE Products Which Are In High Demand.
  • It Sends Targeted Traffic To YOUR Funnel.
  • It Makes Sales Of The Products To Customers.
  • When Sales Are Made, You Get Paid A Commission.

A Total Internet Solution

This is a very simplified summary of how ONPASSIVE works for you. But please remember, ONPASSIVE is HUGE. Like really enormous! To do justice to what you have your hands on, you really need to come inside as a founder.

Founders have access to the proprietary information (after signing the Non Disclosure Agreement). You can continue to educate yourself about this amazing and unique opportunity. Nothing like this has ever been created before. It has been nearly 4 years in the making. That is because of the enormity of it and also because it is a total internet solution as you will find out.

EVERYTHING is Done-For-You!

Get Started As An O-Founder In Onpassive.

Be A Part Of The Paradigm Shift

Your Sponsor: Dana (Daniela Iacob)

Totally Automated Passive Income

Get YOUR OWN SPLASH PAGE Like This For FREE As Part Of Our Team!

When you join us as part of the team, connect with your upline sponsor (or they will connect with you – we are all friendly and help each other). They will help organize a page OF YOUR OWN with YOUR ONPASSIVE LINK embedded in it.

[dsm_animated_gradient_text animated_gradient_text=”ONPASSIVE Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)” animated_gradient_direction=”119deg” animated_gradient_speed=”7″ heading_html_tag=”p” gradient_one_color=”#f80448″ gradient_two_color=”#FF5000″ gradient_three_color=”#8300E9″ gradient_four_color=”#f80448″ _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” header_font=”Coda|800||on|||||” header_text_align=”center” header_font_size=”34px” header_line_height=”1.5em” background_color=”#FFFFFF” width_tablet=”75%” width_phone=”99%” width_last_edited=”on|tablet” module_alignment=”center” custom_margin=”||16px||false|false” custom_padding=”5px|5px|0px|5px|false|true” header_font_size_tablet=”28px” header_font_size_phone=”24px” header_font_size_last_edited=”on|phone” border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][/dsm_animated_gradient_text]

How to make money online with Onpassive?

A common question the team leaders are asked is about ‘how to make money online with ONPASSIVE?‘. To answer this, first you need to understand a little about who ONPASSIVE is and how massive they are. Massive in terms of company, staff and products without a doubt. But more so in what kind of presence they will command online.

ONPASSIVE (OP) is a fairly new and innovative Information Technology (I.T.) company. Over the last three and a half years they’ve developed over 50 proprietary cutting edge tools and services. These are all in high demand multi billion dollar niches.

They have extensively analyzed the online market. They know what most people need and want to work online.  They have built everything you could possibly need all accessible in one convenient place.

They’ve developed the best possible feature rich, intuitive and easy to use versions compared to anything currently available. Similar products in their respective niches are also much more expensive and havc various limits.

You won’t find any specific or detailed information on any of these tools or services yet. Just the basic overiews are available on OP’s website. Those details are kept under wraps for now until the global launch. This is so as to create a huge surprise and interest in the market. They will take full advantage of this at the right time.

Current founder members regularly get exclusive sneak peeks of these finished tools. This is in the private founders webinars available in the O-founders backoffice.

ONPASSIVE has also solved a few of the big problems many people face with trying to make money online.

Most people cannot sell, can’t refer others successfully, and most cannot build a network. This creates leverage which will help them see results. This is why so few people find success making money on the internet.

ONPASSIVE uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate everything. This includes the tools, the services the marketing campaigns, the signup process etc. They force you to be successful by taking all the sticking points out of the equation. Automation is their strong point and will keep everything simple for you.

A quick overview of what you can expect from the variety of tools and services ONPASSIVE will offer follows.

Autoresponders, Rotators, Capture & Landing Pages, Marketing Campaigns, Contact Managers, Calendar, Webinar Service, and O-Pal chat service. There’s O-Capture for video graphics and audio. Flexible wallets for all banking, crypto and transfer needs. There are bulk emailers, contact managers, daily funnels, and a social platform. They’ll have web hosting, domainname registration and website builders. For the techies – search engine optimization (SEO). Humanitarian funds and crowdfunding are covered, a print shop, private inbox and so much more.

All of these have been developed as a seperate stand alone business. They will all have massive marketing campaigns starting when ONPASIVE launches globally.

As customers come in, they can start a free trial for seven days on many of the available products. They will have limited access to see all of the value they could have access to if they decide to join. Of course this massvie value will be very tempting for them.

They can just choose to be a customer and pay regularly for their particular service. It will still save them a lot of money. Or they can join ONPASSIVE and unlock ALL of the products for a one time cost!

When customers come into ONPASSIVE and pay, they are time stamped and go under the existing member structure. We all get paid as our team structure grows.

Now just think about this for a moment. All of this MASSIVE value in one place and you can get it for one affordable price. If you decide to. Whats going to happen? This is going to catch on like wildfire and will see the uptake on the products go viral!

All of these products put together in one place so conveniently and cost effectively has never been done before. This is something truly remarkable.

There are a number of great explainer videos on our team Youtube channel ‘Onpassive Earning Online‘. Onpassive Nation team leader Mike Ellis explains in excellent detail how this all works.

I would highly recommend you take a look at some of them. This is the quickest way to understand better how to make money online with Onpassive for the many years to come.

But in a nutshell, it’s easy to remeber like this.

ONPASSIVE makes tons of digital products. Their A.I. makes daily sales funnels coded to YOU. It sends targeted traffic to them and makes sales. You get paid commissions near instantly on the sales made. Simple, right?


Make money online with Onpassive

Can I make money online with Onpassive?

Can I make money online as a Gofounder?

Can a person create multiple Gofounder accounts?

A person may wish to create multiple O-founder accounts for different reasons. Perhaps they wish to secure an account for family members or friends.

You are able to do this, no problem. These accounts can be created using the same name and mobile number. However, each account will be required to have a unique e-mail address.

Remember that each account will have to be activated at the global launch period. As part of the process, you’ll pay a once out of pocket fee. This will be between $200 -$300 (not decided yet) for each account. This goes towards system and company overheads. Also it has to fund the marketing campaigns that will build our teams for us.

This is a monthly fee, but as a reseller you’ll only pay that first month to activate.

The subsequent monthly fees are paid automatically by the system out of  the profit. It is a self funding system!


How many Onpassive accounts can I have?

Can I have more than one Onpassive account?

What Ways Can I Benefit Financially?

You can benefit directly from anyone placed beneath you in the company pay structure.

ONPASSIVE’s automated marketing campaigns will place people under you.

You can get spillover (overflow) from multiple members above you.

You can refer people yourself if you choose to (entirely optional and not required).

There are also multiple other ways to build income streams within the tools and services provided by ONPASSIVE. Current O-founders have seen these possibilities and what they will bring first hand in the private webinars. This information is private and covered under a non disclosure agreement. This is to protect intelectual property until after the official launch.

Suffice to say, there will be multiple ways to earn online with ONPASSIVE and many people WILL chose to make this their primary business. Especially as they realize this will give them both time and financial freedom.


What ways can I benefit financially with Onpassive?

How can I benefit financially from Onpassive?

What ways can I earn online wih Onpassive?

What If I Don't Use Any Of The Tools?

If you don’t use any or many of the tools, no problem. ONPASSIVE can still provide every member value that no other companay can. For example, you can still earn online with ONPASSIVE as the company builds a business for you.

Many millions of people already pay considerable amounts every month for critical services they must have. They (potential customers) want these products such as Autoresponders, email services, funnel builders or webinar services. They’ll happily use superior products at a cheaper price point!

How much is it to become an Onpassive Founder?

The cost to become an ONPASSIVE Founder (O-founder) is a one time payment of $97 during the pre-launch stage. (Note: there is a $5 fee if paying by credit card)

This gives you early access to the O-founders backoffice and wealth of information. You can also access private webinars with the leadership council and CEO Ash Mufareh.

During this soft launch stage now, it will be the last chance EVER to get a founders position.

The soft launch stage is where the marketing campaigns will begin. The founders accounts and all systems will be tested thoroughly before everything goes into full lauch mode.


Is there a monthly fee with Onpassive?

Yes, there is. BUT you will only pay it the first month after going into your backoffice and clicking a button. This is to activate your account for the first time. This enables you legally to receive payments from the system.

You will then have full access to over 50 proprietary products and services that the ONPASSIVE tech team has developed.

The following months payments will be taken out of profits automatically by the system. Remember, the system will be marketing for you and placing members in your downline on auto. You can also get overflow or spillover members placed under you from members above you. Once you have three members under you, your account will always be in profit.

The most important thing is you will only pay out of pocket once for that first months payment.

The cost is yet to be decided because of many variables. However, CEO Ash Mufareh has told the founders it will be between $200 – $300. Very reasonable for a lifetime of income, right!

Do I need to refer others to earn online with Onpassive?

No, it’s not necessary. Referring others is entirely optional. Some people are good at it, others aren’t. But it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things as you’ll understand.

ONPASSIVE (OP) is a fully automated Information Technology platform driven by AI (artificial intelligence). They will run constant marketing campaigns showcasing the tools and services. They’ll constantly showcase the benefits of joining ONPASSIVE. The benefits for example could be the monthly cost savings you’ll receive by using OP. Or the time saving or convenience. Or maybe the ability to build generational wealth.

As people join OP or use the services, they will be placed under us in the pay structure. As time goes on, our earning potential will increase.

Some people who can refer others choose to actively refer others as it cuts time frames down. What this means is it will take less time for you to earn more as your downline team will be growing faster.

Remember, at the start for example OP may place 3 members under you from their marketing campaigns. That doesn’t sound like much yet right? How ever, the next month they will place 3 members under each of the those previous members and so on and so on.

Also on top of that you can get spillover (some say overflow) placed under you from the members above too. Anyone that is in your pay structure, you get paid commissions on them.

So it’s not necessary to recruit others although it can help to speed up your results a lot faster.


Do I have to refer others in Onpassive?

Do I have to recruit people in Onpassive?

What is Onpassive?

ONPASSIVE is a high tech information technology (IT) and artificial intelligence (AI) driven company. Their primary goal is to make a super simple, easy to use Total Online Business Solution. This would be suitable for absolutely anyone to use and earn online income from no matter what their level of online expertise is.

ONPASSIVE (OP) currently has 50+ proprietary products (both tools and services). These have been developed over the last 3 and a half years. They will really shake the online market up. ONPASSIVE has so much to offer, all in one place and for the best pricing on the internet.

OP will be a market disrupter and will make many people sit up and take notice. This is because they’ll realize the opportunities they can have with this marvellous company.

For more on this, you can check out the post ‘What is Onpassive (and 5 reasons to get a gofounders position).

When will Onpassive launch?

Currently we are in pre-launch or soft launch phase. The global marketing and branding campaigns have begun.

Soon the founders will preview a few more products from the company. This is one of the things founders do with CEO Ash Mufareh. This is like a testing period or ‘beta’ phase where the techies run things under a load.

The founders get access to use the products and test them and give feedback etc.

Ash said he doesn’t have a firm date because there is no way of knowing precisely until we are so close. There are so many variables to consider. When he does know, he will give us all a heads up alert. Rest assured, the global launch period from all signs is imminent from what we are seeing.

Everything has been in development for over 3 and a half years. It has become such a massive project. This has never been done before.

Think of all the effort, planning and cost that has gone into this so far.

Therefore, we know it would be a mistake to rush to launch now risking any problems. It has been a long wait but it is nearly over and things are about to get very interesting.

The techies just need a little more time to be sure everything is 100% ship shape. We are so close now (May 2020).


When is Onpassive Going to launch?

When is Onpassive launching?

Do we need a bitcoin account as a founder?

No, you don’t. There will be multiple options for you to choose for payouts from within your own wallet.

However, you may find this is one good option to get paid this way.

Keep in mind that the Bitcoin you own today could be worth quite a lot more in the future. For example if you look on popular Crypto news sites such a Coin Gecko, you’ll often see articles from top exchanges, Investment houses etc saying they believe BTC could surpass $200,000 before the end of 2021!

*NOTE: This is not any kind of investment advice. Please do your own due diligence to make your own informed decisions.


Do Onpassive founders need to have a Bitcoin wallet?

Do Founders need a Bitcoin account?


What is O-founders?

O-founders really are the pioneer members of the ONPASSIVE vision.

Currently for a one time payment of $97, you can secure one of these positions. As an O-founder (or founder) you are given a number of advantages.

O-founders have access to the exclusive founders website and private information.

They have priority positioning in the company pay structure. Everyone’s position is timestamped when they join. As a founding member, your downline will be built earlier and faster.

Early automated marketing campaigns will constantly be run and they specifically build founders teams.

Founders are members of the inner circle and can share brainstorming, feedback, resources etc.

Time is running out – Founders positions are closing VERY soon!

CEO Ash Mufareh will soon signal the closing of the founders postion. Thiswill happen just prior to the time we transition to the global launch. Get in while you still can.


What is a gofounder position?

What is an Onpassive Gofounder?

Why Will Customers Want To Use ONPASSIVE Products?

Customers Will Flock In Because Of The Multiple Benefits They Can Have.

What will happen when people realize ONPASSIVE has all of these superior, unlimited tools in one place? Not only could they save a lot of money, but they could also get paid for using them. Of course they are going to want to check ONPASSIVE out.

Organic Viral Traffic

Think about all the activity on the daily funnels of over 1.3 million founders and in the search engines. ONPASSIVE will go viral because of this. This will drive even more customers in as ONPASSIVE dominates the search results for many product keywords.

ONPASSIVE conservatively expects 100 million customers in the first year of operation!


Why Use ONPASSIVE Products?

Why Will Customers Want ONPASSIVE Products?

Important To Note

The information presented here is in no way intended to serve as a guarantee of income. Instead it is designed to give you an idea of what is possible. Success with ONPASSIVE can depend on many variables. Examples could be the level of work, commitment, leadership, perserverance plus many others. ONPASSIVE endeavours to automate most aspects of your online business. However, there are many other factors that can ultimately determine your level of success.